What is the tree of life?

The Tree of Life is an ancient Kabbalistic diagram involving ten interconnected spheres that represent the ongoing creation of the universe. Many western occult traditions correspond to The Tree of Life including the Tarot, Alchemy, and the Zodiac. Practitioners work with The Tree of Life using creativity, contemplation, and ritual in order to become a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms and to repair the broken fragments of our individual and collective existence.

Why should we learn about it?

The contemporary world is suffering from soul-loss, which is leading to massive-scale destruction of life on our sentient planet. Organized religion has traditionally been a vehicle for contact with the soul, but it is often too dogmatic and authoritative to facilitate authentic spiritual growth. The Tree of Life offers a mythological practice for understanding oneself as a microcosm of the universe. By embarking on this journey within a group, a container of light is created and sustained that can facilitate collective soul-retrieval.

Who is this course for?

This course is for people with an existing spiritual connection that are ready to go deeper within a particular framework and to practice within a group. Each participant brings their own unique energy to the group, and it will be important to show up with a grounded, patient, and open-hearted presence so that the group’s intention can incubate for the duration of the course and beyond. Kabbalah is based in Jewish mysticism but people of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome to participate.

Ethos of our Learning:

This course will focus on inner work in service of collective liberation, specifically in light of political polarization, narcissistic leadership, and ecological devastation around the world. We will be acknowledging humanity’s current tendency towards self-destruction, while recognizing the potential of group spiritual practice for transmuting external chaos into the birth of a new paradigm that recognizes the fundamental interconnectedness of all life. 

Learning Modalities: Meditation, Group Ritual, Text Study, Dialogue, Art

Financial Contribution:
 Sliding scale $180-$250 for the full course, please let me know if there are any financial barriers to participating.
Please reach out with any questions at alexandrabneuman@gmail.com

If you’d like to join, fill out a short application here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMcAWMGoZFz1t4K_eQJVcUFRmE0zKZ8lKnog8DqFyyF3KrrQ/viewform?usp=header